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O-rings, what causes it to age

Users who use O-rings have found that O-rings have aging problems very early in the process of use. Sometimes O-rings do not reach the service life under normal conditions at all! Why is this? Causes O-rings aging What are the reasons? The following O-ring manufacturers will introduce to you.

O-ring aging is very common in life, but if the aging is very serious, then you have to pay attention to it, it may be your use method to deal with the problem.


1. Ozone: The chemical activity of ozone is much higher than that of oxygen, and it is more destructive. It also breaks the molecular chain, but the effect of ozone on rubber varies with whether the rubber is deformed or not. When used as deformed rubber (mainly unsaturated rubber), cracks in the direction of stress action, so-called “ozone cracks” appear; when acting on deformed rubber, only an oxide film is formed on the surface without cracking.

2. Light: We all know that the shorter the light wave, the greater the energy. The damage to the miscellaneous parts of silicone rubber is the high-energy ultraviolet. In addition to directly causing the breakage and cross-linking of the rubber molecular chain, the ultraviolet can also cause the rubber to generate free radicals due to the absorption of light energy, and initiate and accelerate the oxidation chain. reaction process. Secondly, direct sunlight will play a heating role through outside light. Another feature of light effect is that it mainly grows on the surface of oak.

3. Oxygen: Oxygen undergoes free radical chain reaction with rubber molecules in the rubber, and the molecular chain is broken or excessively cross-linked, causing changes in rubber properties. Oxidation is one of the important reasons for rubber aging.

4. Heat: An increase in temperature will cause thermal cracking or thermal crosslinking of the rubber. But the basic function of heat is activation. Increase the oxygen diffusion rate and activate the oxidation reaction, thereby accelerating the rubber oxidation reaction rate, which is a common aging phenomenon-thermal oxygen aging.


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